Monday, December 4, 2017

Reflections on Baking Class

Well, we have reached the end of our semester in my basic baking class. As I reflect on all the experiences I had this semester, I really am amazed at all the different products I was able to create and all the different skills I learned. From cookies, to doughnuts, to pizza and so much more, I realize now even more how baking truly is so incorporated so much into the food we eat every day and our every day lives. 

I will be honest.....baking really isn't my first love when it comes to cooking. I am more of a savory cook. I did, however, go into this course with open arms and an open mind to explore baking and learn more about it. I am definitely somewhat of a beginner when it comes to baking, so the products that I was able to create really excited me and gave me more confidence. I learned that much patience is needed in baking, but at the same time I have to be quick and use good time management. I think one of the hardest things for me to learn is to measure and weigh out all my ingredients carefully and not get in a hurry and to be patient and wait for the dough to be kneaded long enough or proofed to the correct size. Learning all the different tools and equipment was a bit of a challenge as well. I am also amazed at how baking is not just an art,it is also a science. A mixture of flour, fat, and water, among other ingredients becoming a finished baked good really is a function of scientific principles! When a person understands the science behind the art of baking, it creates an even greater appreciation for it! 

After I learned how to mix and prepare and bake different types of breads, cookies, and pies I am realizing that I enjoy it much more than I thought I would. I have always enjoyed baking bread and cookies, but this class took it further and I am excited to learn even more about more advanced baking techniques. I feel that after I gain even more confidence with baking skills, I will really be able to let my creativity come out in the products I create!